Two UC Online Certificate in Criminal Justice students discuss the course material with a smiling New Zealand Police officer. Two UC Online Certificate in Criminal Justice students discuss the course material with a smiling New Zealand Police officer. Wananga landing

Are you ready to apply to our online Certificate in Criminal Justice?

02 October 2024

Here's all the information you need to get started


Congratulations on taking the next step towards further study! Applications to enrol into our Certificate in Criminal Justice are now open for our 3 February 2025 start date. If you're interested in studying later in 2025 or in 2026, please sign up for enrolment updates.

When you apply to enrol into a programme with Tuihono UC | UC Online you're applying to Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury. This means you'll be part of the University of Canterbury student body, and are eligible for a wide range of support and digital services as detailed here.

How many courses do I choose? 

The number of courses you choose to enrol into at this stage depends on if you would like to study full-time or part-time, and how you are financing your study.

Length of study:

  • Full-time (six months): you will need to take two courses (studying approximately 37.5 hours per week) each term, for two terms.
  • Part-time (one year): you will need to take one course (studying approximately 18.5 hours per week) each term, for four terms. 


  • StudyLink Student Loan: if you’re using StudyLink to cover your tuition fees, you need to add at least two courses (in order to meet the StudyLink threshold) and we recommend selecting all of your 2025 courses, so you do not need to update your enrolment. If you're planning on studying full-time and want to apply for a StudyLink student allowance, living costs or course related costs, please get in touch with our enrolment team at before you apply.
  • Self-funding: all courses added to your enrolment must be paid before the first course starts. This means if you are self-funding, you may only want to add your first term's course(s) to your enrolment for now, so that you only need to pay for one term at a time. You can then add your next course as this new term approaches.

If you wish to complete your certificate full-time in six months, the courses you will need to search for and select are:

  • CRJU101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice and MAOR108 - Te Patu a Maui: The Treaty of Waitangi - facing and overcoming colonisation (3 February - 6 April 2025)
  • PHIL139 - Ethics, Politics and Justice and CRJU120 - Understanding Human Behaviour in Criminal Justice (28 April - 29 June 2025)

Please note: the specific course codes to search for are CRJU101, MAOR108, PHIL139 and CRJU120. The correct courses to select will then be shown in the course selector as follows: CRJU101-25X9 (O), MAOR108-25X1 (O), PHIL139-25X2 (O) and CRJU120-25X2 (O).

If you wish to complete your certificate part-time in 1 year, the courses you will need to search for and select are:

  • CRJU101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 February - 6 April 2025)
  • PHIL139 - Ethics, Politics and Justice (28 April - 29 June 2025)
  • MAOR108 - Te Patu a Maui: The Treaty of Waitangi - facing and overcoming colonisation (14 July - 14 September 2025)
  • CRJU120 - Understanding Human Behaviour in Criminal Justice (29 September - 30 November 2025)

Please note: the specific course codes to search for are CRJU101, PHIL139, MAOR108 and CRJU120. The correct courses to select will then be shown in the course selector as follows: CRJU101-25X9 (O),  PHIL139-25X2 (O), MAOR108-25X3 (O) and CRJU120-25X4 (O).


Get your documentation ready

Before you start your application to enrol in the Certificate in Criminal Justice, you need to prepare these documents: 

It is also helpful to have: 

Apply for StudyLink before 16 December

If you're planning on using a StudyLink student loan to finance your study, make sure you apply before 16 December. This will give you the best chance of having everything sorted and ready for the start of your study.


Need help with your application?

We recommend allowing up to an hour to complete the application process. If you get stuck along the way, our team are here to help: 

You can also download our handy 2024 enrolment guide (PDF) with screenshots and more detailed instructions for support along the way. 

Download enrolment guide (PDF)

Download (application/pdf, 1 MB)

Let's get started! Begin your application to enrol for 3 February 2025

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