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Key dates and learning calendar for Tuihono UC | UC Online

03 October 2024

Check out our 2025 key dates (please note: these may be subject to change)


2025 key term, enrolment and withdrawal dates

Jump to key dates in 2025 for: 

Studying Nursing or Counselling? Please note, these programmes have individual semester dates. For clarity, these different dates have been specified below.

Studying Organisational Psychology? Please note, this programme has individual term four dates. For clarity, these different dates have been specified below.

2025 Term 1

3 February

Learning for Term 1 begins. 

10 February

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - learning for Semester 1 begins

16 February

Final day to withdraw from Term 1 programmes and programme courses and be eligible for a refund.

17 February

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - learning for Semester 1 begins

23 February

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - final day to withdraw from Semester 1 and be eligible for a refund.

2 March

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - final day to withdraw from Semester 1 and be eligible for a refund.

3-9 March

Mid-term break for Term 1.

23 March

Final day to withdraw from programmes or programme courses in Term 1 (not eligible for a refund).

7 - 27 April

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - Semester 1 study break

6 April

Learning for Term 1 courses ends, and our two-week period for assessment and review begins.

14 - 27 April

PGCertCounSt - study break

2025 Term 2

28 April

Learning for Term 2 begins.

4 May

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - final day to withdraw from Semester 1 (not eligible for a refund).

11 May

Final day to withdraw from Term 2 programmes and programme courses and be eligible for a refund.

18 May

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - final day to withdraw from Semester 1 (not eligible for a refund).

26 May - 1 June

Mid-term break for Term 2 courses.

30 May

Learning for Term 2B begins for the accelerated learning courses of 20 hours or less

1 June

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - learning for Semester 1 ends, and our period for assessment and review begins.

15 June

Final day to withdraw from Term 2 programmes and programme courses (not eligible for a refund).

15 June

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs- learning for Semester 1 ends, and our period for assessment and review begins.


29 June

Learning for Term 2 courses ends, and our two-week period for assessment and review begins. 

2025 Term 3

7 July

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - learning begins for Semester 2

14 July

Learning for Term 3 begins.

14 July

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - learning begins for Semester 2

20 July

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - final day to withdrawl from Semester 2 and be eligible for a refund.

27 July

Final day to withdraw from Term 3 programmes and programme courses and be eligible for a refund.

27 July

MHealSc (Nursing) and PGCertCounSt - final day to withdraw from Semester 2 and be eligible for a refund.

11 - 17 August

Mid-term break for Term 3 courses.

18 August

Learning for Term 3B begins for accelerated learning courses of 20 hours or less.

25 August - 7 September

MHealSc (Nursing), PGCertCounSt, MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - Semester 2 study break

31 August

Final day to withdraw from Term 3 programmes and programme courses (not eligible for a refund).

14 September

Learning for Term 3 courses ends, and two-week period for assessment and review begins. 

13 October

MHealSc (Nursing) - final day to withdrawl from HLTH699: Professional Portfolio (not eligible for a refund). 

2025 Term 4

29 September

Learning for Term 4 begins. 

6 October

MOrgPsyc - learning for Term 4 begins.

12 October

Final day to withdraw from Term 4 programmes and programme courses and be eligible for a refund.

19 October

MOrgPsyc - final day to withdraw from Term 4 courses and be eligible for a refund.

27 October - 2 November

Mid-term break for Term 4 courses.

2 November

PGCertCounSt - final day to withdrawl from Semester 2 (not eligible for a refund). 

3 November

Learning for Term 4B begins for accelerated learning courses of 20 hours or less.

3 - 9 November

MOrgPsyc - Term 4 study break

16 November

Final day to withdraw from Term 4 programmes and programme courses (not eligible for a refund).

16 November

PGCertCounSt - learning for Semester 2 ends and our four-week period for assessment and review begins. 

23 November

MOrgPsyc - final day to withdraw from Term 4 courses (not eligible for a refund)

23 November

MAdvNurs and PGDipNurs - final day to withdrawl from Semester 2 (not eligible for a refund). 

30 November

Learning for Term 4 courses ends, and two-week period for assessment and review begins. 

7 December

MOrgPsyc - learning for Term 4 courses end, and two-week period for assessment and review begins.

14 December

MHealSc (Nursing) - final day to withdrawl from Semester 2 without a refund (excluding HLTH699 which has its own withdrawal date). 

15 December - 4 January

MHealSc (Nursing) - end of year study break

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